Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Aperture Science Poster

During my design of this poster I got a lot of ideas from looking at different propaganda and advertisement posters. I used a similar "simple" style like the other portal posters i had found.


  1. This is so simple and yet it works. You get the point across especially to the die hard fans of Portal! The design is awesome,the only advice that I have would be to put in the portal gun or maybe the female computer because she is really big in the games. I also like how you put the quote in to give it more of a direction, and there is a good unity in between all of the elements. Great Job!

    1. Another thing that I would put in is the jumping paint (that's the only way I can explain it), for a pop of color.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Now that's thinking with portals! -Josh Bonto

  4. For the name Cave Jonson at the bottom, I would right align it with the “t” in “about” rather than center it. Try to make clear of what the object at the top is. I really like the design and how it seems so plain but is so fulfilling to the eye at the same time. The colors used throughout work very well.

  5. Nice and simple design, I love portal and this poster. However I definitely feel like I've seen this poster before. And Cave Johnson is spelled wrong.

  6. nice! if i didn't know any better, i'd say that one of the guys at valve made this poster. that's how good it is! the name at the bottom is spelled wrong, but other than that i don't see any errors.

  7. soooooooooooo I have nothing negative to say about this.... its amazing

  8. I see that you're thinking with portals. I do not see anything that I really need to say about this one, it's great. I love it's simplistic look and everything just works so well together. 10/10 I can't think of anything to say other than great job.

  9. Wow is all I can say. It's so simple, but so good. The only thing I see wrong is the name spelling at the bottom, but nothing else. Great Job!

  10. I think this is a very interesting design. I think it’s really great that you stuck with the old fashioned colors and tones. It feels very 1950s/60s in its design and palette. The openness of the composition works really well, even though it’s very minimal. The layout, size, and location of the type and logo at the bottom is great. I am wondering whether you need the gray vertical lines that are above the gray square shape and below the window. What I gather is that they symbolize the gray object falling from the window? I think they do that, but they also seem a little extraneous. Is there another way to show this? I think the gray square shape would benefit from being a little further away from the blue logo at the bottom. I would take away the vertical gray lines and pull the gray shape up slightly. I think the angle of it insinuates that it is falling. I would also experiment with the stick figure man on the left- what if he came out a little bit more from the orange door? The way he is cut off here takes away a lot of his shape and it could be good to see him just as he is entering that door. Overall, a well balanced and interesting design.

  11. I will be unable to be objective about this. But I'll have a go at it. Over all it's pretty great. You might be able to play around a little bit with the movement lines. They're a little regularly spaced. But that's being nit picky.

  12. I think this poster is awesome. The motion lines above the box could be a little thinner. Can't really find anything to criticize without trying too hard, which is good. I love the texture for the background. It's like blank newspaper, it fits really well with this. Like the placement of the quote at the bottom.

  13. This looks like it came right out of the Valve offices! Great job!

  14. Very nice. Simple froms but not that simple. l like the negative space you create. It seems to have the best power what you want to show through a poster.

  15. very creative and suitable for all my Portal needs. It was nice seeing this poster come to life. Nice job
