Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Final Project

In my final project I included three things I like and one think I hate. I have a plane over head to signify my love of planes. I have a film negative border to show my love of film. I have a Spartan from the video game series "Halo" to show my love for Science Fiction. Lastly, I have a podium to represent my hatred towards public speaking. I tried to make this picture look like a segment of old film negative that is only showing one frame.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gif project

For this gif I wanted to make something that has meaning. In the gif theres a kitten trying to jump from the table to the bed but ends up not jumping far enough and almost falls to the floor. I added the words "goals" and "life" to the gif to help explain my meaning. The meaning that is behind this gif is that no matter what your goal is you should go towards it and if life pulls you down then you have to pull yourself back up.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Aperture Science Poster

During my design of this poster I got a lot of ideas from looking at different propaganda and advertisement posters. I used a similar "simple" style like the other portal posters i had found.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Logo Redesign

Linux Logo Final

Linux Logo Original 

I decided, while redesigning this logo, to trace the penguin and make it look a simpler by make the body parts a solid color. I then traced the linux text and changed the fill color to match the penguin's colors a bit.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013